Is Clove an Herb or a Spice?
The interchangeable use of the terms "herb" and "spice" often leads to a bit of confusion on classifying specific ingredients. Cloves are one of those culinary enigmas frequently placed in the wrong culinary category. Find out the proper categorization of cloves and why they are put there.
Does Saffron Need to be Soaked Before Cooking?
Saffron is a delicate, aromatic spice, but despite its delicate physical nature, the flavor components are very potent. When used in excess or incorrectly, a dish can quickly become bitter or overpowered. There are methods of ensuring this doesn't happen. Soaking is one, let's look at the others.
What is Habanero Powder Used For?
Habaneros can be a pain to work with, due to capsaicin oils, which can burn eyes, skin, noses, etc... Habanero powder imparts the same great flavor, but with the lack of negative consequences and more heat predictability if used correctly. Learn everything you need to know about using habanero powder.
How To Make Vanilla Frappuccino
While Starbucks put the Frappuccino on the map, we think we do it better. This easy, DIY Vanilla Frappuccino is sweet, creamy, caffeinated, and delicious, and unlike the many other DIY frappuccino recipes out there, ours doesn’t contain ice cream, so there's a tad less guilt involved.
How is White Pepper Used in Cooking
Though they are derived from the same berries, white pepper often takes the global backstage to black pepper. In some parts of the world though, white pepper is actually the more common of the two. Let's take a look at some of the most popular ways to use white pepper in cooking.
Where does artificial vanilla come from?
Artificial vanilla is an imposter flavoring that has found its way into countless recipes and products. While many folks add it as a means of capturing that classically adored vanilla flavor, any true vanilla connoisseur can tell the difference immediately. What it's made of might surprise you.